As you know a lot of times it’s extremely helpful to have the zone designation on a export file title so you know exactly what zone it came out of. I find this really helpful in cases where you’re pulling UDSElements.
Here’s how these two variables work:
TALEO_HOST – Gives the full URL of the zone (e.g.
TALEO_ZONE – Gives only the zone portion of the URL (e.g. ptrthinktalent) so the is assumed.


TCC – Min Mid & Max Salaries

The minimum, mid-point and maximum salaries are fairly important things that come up when importing requisitions or on new hire exports. So this should be a simple process to identify right? I mean there should be a MinimumSalary, MidPointSalary and a MaximumSalary, it’s a no brainer or so one would think.

Unfortunately a naming convention like this would make things too easy and that’s just not allowed. So for posterity I’ve listed these to keep me from banging my head against the wall next time I need them (from the requisition entity):

MinimumSalary – JobInformation,OfferParameter,PayValue
MidPointSalary – JobInformation,MidPointSalary
MaximumSalary – JobInformation,OfferParameter,MaximumSalary


TCC – EEO Question Update

So there are times when you’re loading candidates and you want to bring in the EEO that’s been answered in another system. The MOS has an article on how to answer one question, but what if you want to answer more than one?

Create a file called CandidateDiversityAnswerUpdate_ld.xml

Add the following XML to the file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<load:load productCode="RC1502" model="" root="Candidate" operation="merge" locale="en" header="true" delimiter="," quote=""" xmlns:load="">
        <load:column parameter="1" type="DATA" path="EmailAddress" searchType="SEARCH_AND_VALUE" searchTarget="." localeType="NONE"/>
        <load:column parameter="1" type="DATA" path="FirstName" localeType="NONE"/>
        <load:column parameter="1" type="DATA" path="LastName" localeType="NONE"/>
        <load:column parameter="1" type="DATA" path="DiversityAnswers,PossibleAnswer,Question,Code" searchType="SEARCH" searchTarget=".." entityMarker="true" entityTarget="../.." localeType="NONE"/>
        <load:column parameter="1" type="DATA" path="DiversityAnswers,PossibleAnswer,Sequence" searchType="SEARCH" searchTarget="." localeType="NONE"/>
        <load:column parameter="1" type="DATA" path="DiversityAnswers,PossibleAnswer,Question,Code" searchType="SEARCH" searchTarget=".." entityMarker="true" entityTarget="../.." localeType="NONE"/>
        <load:column parameter="1" type="DATA" path="DiversityAnswers,PossibleAnswer,Sequence" searchType="SEARCH" searchTarget="." localeType="NONE"/>

TCC – File extension from file name

For some reason this has come up and I’d been attending to it in XSL but I really needed it strait out of TCC. Here is the projection that will give that to you.

<quer:projection alias="FileExtension" xmlns:quer="">
<quer:field path="FileName"/>
<quer:customFunction name="instr">
<quer:field path="FileName"/>

TCC – Requisition Approved Date

Ran across a need to pull the approved date (latest) from a requisition export and it seems like something I could run across again so here it is:

<quer:projection alias="Recruiting_Start_Date" xmlns:quer="">
  <quer:query projectedClass="Requisition" alias="sqLocation" preventDuplicates="true" pagingsize="1">
      <quer:projection alias="ApproveDate" projectedValueType="string">
        <quer:customFunction name="TO_CHAR">
          <quer:field path="RequisitionEvent,EventDate"/>
          <quer:field path="Number"/>
          <quer:field ownerQuery="MainQuery" path="Number"/>
          <quer:field path="RequisitionEvent,WorkActionNumber"/>
          <quer:field path="RequisitionEvent,EventDate"/>
          <quer:query projectedClass="Requisition" alias="sqMotives" preventDuplicates="true" pagingsize="1">
                  <quer:field path="RequisitionEvent,EventDate"/>
                  <quer:field path="Number"/>
                  <quer:field ownerQuery="MainQuery" path="Number"/>
                  <quer:field path="RequisitionEvent,WorkActionNumber"/>

TCC – Current DateTime (NOW)

On occasion you need to export the current date/time for one reason or another. This is how you get it out of the export:

<quer:projection alias="CurrentDateTime" xmlns:quer="">
	<quer:customFunction name="TO_CHAR">
		<quer:date type="now"/>


TCC – Approximate Attachment Export Time

One of the big questions that’s asked of us in the computer field is how long is it going to take? I cringe when asked for dates in situations like this as the true answer is it will be completed when it’s completed. Computer programing is part (mostly) science but there is an art to it also. And to have the first without the last is to have something that works but doesn’t flow.

In any case my rough estimate on export of attachments out of the Oracle Taleo production zone is 74,848 attachments in a 24 hour period that in total are 10.26 GB in size. This is an extremely rough estimate and your mileage will certainly vary.


TCC – Workflow, Step and Status

So, how often have you tried to figure out the step and status order for a particular workflow and you’re left dazed and confused trying to figure it out on the front end? Possibly never but if you have this will help a ton.

Create and empty file named: CSWWorkflowExport_sq.xml



TCC – ORA-00936: missing expression

So it turns out if you try to alias any projection with “Number” it will expect something and you’ll get the SAX error, in the profiler you’ll get this:

<Reason>An error occurred during the query execution: ORA-00936: missing expression</Reason>

Not sure if that error is thrown for anything else but this was the fix to my issue.


TCC – List Of Escape Characters

Just a quick reminder if you’re converting UDF names retrieved from the custom dictionary, you need to code for the escapes:

_ = _5f

[space] = _20

/ = _2f

: = _3a