So as I’ve said we’ve been replacing all the computers here at work and that’s lead to a plethora of spare computers, I mean it’s to the point of overflow as even I am looking at them all wondering what the hell to do with them all.
So I was on Staples site the other day and found the coolest thing, it’s a hot swap bay that you can use to read all the data on those 40 gig drives that are multiplying around here like Tribbles. Then it occurred to me that I could use it to format each of the half dozen 40 gig drives with a different OS. Whoo Hoo we have achieved nerdvana!!! A different OS every week and just label the drive with what’s on it. True greatness. In any case FC16 is going to be the first and here is how you make an installation USB for it from the good folks over at
- Download the LiveUSB Creator program for Windows from
- Either: click the Browse button under the Use existing LiveCD label, browse to the location where you previously downloaded a Fedora Live ISO file, and select that file.
select a Fedora Live ISO file from the drop-down menu that LiveUSB Creator presents under the Download Fedora label. Note that image files are large and that it is probably impractical to use LiveUSB Creator to download an image file if you do not have a broadband connection to the Internet. - Click Create Live USB.