Category Archives: Uncategorized


NextCould – Locked Admin Account

Somehow managed to lock myself out of the next cloud admin account. If you have proper access it can be reset with the following:

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin

Search Parameter in Widows and Outlook

I have the need to figure out by week what was modified in my file system.
Fortunately there’s a string to put in the search box that will give you just that:

modified:7/2/2018 .. 7/31/2018

How about if you need to screen all emails from one week in time in Outlook.
Fortunately there’s a string to put in the search box that will give you just that:

received:7/2/2018 .. 7/31/2018

I’m sure that this format can be used in many other cases (e.g sent items) so it’s good to keep in mind.


GIMP – Color to Alpha

For the times when you need to remove the background of a monochrome image:

# Select Foreground
Main Menu > Tools > Selection Tools > Foreground Select

# Select Background
Main Menu > Select > Invert

# Make Transparent
Main Menu > Colors > Color To Alpha


Windows shortcuts

Ran across this list and wanted to put it somewhere I’d remember…

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Server Level SSL Encryption

If you are reading this you are more than likely doing so on a web browser and the this site is secured with 256 bit encryption. read more »


Removing Twitter Things

A long while ago my Twitter account was compromised resulting in me following thousands of people I didn’t know or want to follow.  So it’s cleanup time and they don’t have a very good way of doing this (thanks Twitter) but found this really geeky way to make it work on YouTube.

Here is the code for deleting the folks your following:

$(‘.unfollow-text’).each(function() { $(this).trigger(‘click’); });


Goodbye to an awesome open source project

It seems the open source Gallery Project is calling it quits.  That’s a shame as I’ve been using it for well over a decade.  I guess in this day and age of social media there isn’t much of a call for your photos on your website.  But there is for me.  If I put something out there I own it and yes I know that it can copied ad infinium but the point of it is I own it.  So the search begins for a replacement, I’ll check to see what coppermine is up to and if you know of anything good let me know.


PC bios from command line

Ran across this on lifehacker and not sure if I’ll ever need it but it could come in handy some day so here it is:

wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion



Auto updates for WordPress

I need to investigate this further but it’s now an ability to auto update WordPress, here’s the link:


Expense a steak

I may be a computer geek but I have a sense of humor.  There is a site called that is run by a steak house in NY that helps you sneak a steak dinner onto your expense report by breaking it down into office stuff receipts, hysterical!!!