Ran across this list and wanted to put it somewhere I’d remember…
About Windows: WINVER.EXE Change UAC Settings: USERACCOUNTCONTROLSETTINGS.EXE Action Center: WSCUI.CPL Windows Troubleshooting: CONTROL.EXE /NAME MICROSOFT.TROUBLESHOOTING Computer Management: COMPMGMT.MSC System Information: MSINFO32.EXE Event Viewer: EVENTVWR.EXE Programs: APPWIZ.CPL System Properties: CONTROL.EXE SYSTEM Internet Options: INETCPL.CPL Internet Protocol Configuration: IPCONFIG.EXE Performance Monitor: PERFMON.EXE Resource Monitor: RESMON.EXE Task Manager: TASKMGR.EXE Command Prompt: CMD.EXE Registry Editor: REGEDT32.EXE Remote Assistance: MSRA.EXE System Restore: RSTRUI.EXE