If you are reading this you are more than likely doing so on a web browser and the this site is secured with 256 bit encryption. As I host my own servers, keeping up with the SSL certificates for the sites and making sure they are updated can be a time consuming (and costly) task. To this end I was using StartSSL for my certificate needs, they were cheap (read free) and did what I needed so that I had encryption on my site. Long story short they were bought by another company and that company was less than honest and lost their CA authority.
So considering my SSL had just expired and if I used one from StartSSL again users of Chrome and Firefox would not be able to access my site, completely unacceptable.
Enter LetsEncrypt.org, this is a consortium of tech companies that support open automation of encryption. I have shell access to my computers and I simply installed CertBot and let it run and boom, it’s encrypted and everything works. If you have your own web server you need to check this out.