Monthly Archives: January 2014


TCC – LessThanOrEqual (Expirience)

This is a less than or equal to X to return work experiences.

<quer:filtering xmlns:quer="">
 <quer:field path="ProfileInformation,Experiences,DisplaySequence"/>
 <quer:query projectedClass="Experience" alias="My_Exp_SubQuery">
 <quer:projection alias="My_Exp_Alias">
 <quer:field path="DisplaySequence"/>
 <quer:field path="Number"/>
 <quer:field ownerQuery="NewHire" path="ProfileInformation,Experiences"/>



TCC – LessThanOrEqual (study)

This is a query that returns the top X elements in the study class

<quer:filtering xmlns:quer="">
 <quer:field path="ProfileInformation,Studies,DisplaySequence"/>
 <quer:query projectedClass="Study" alias="My_Study_SubQuery">
 <quer:projection alias="My_Study_Alias">
 <quer:field path="DisplaySequence"/>
 <quer:field path="Number"/>
 <quer:field ownerQuery="NewHire" path="ProfileInformation,Studies"/>


TCC – Case by Criterion

Had a field that either needed to be an employee number or 777777 to signify that it’s not a rehire.  I had to use a case statement based on criterion, so I set the default value to 777777 and if it’s isNotNull then it’s the number, I was stoked when it finally worked.

<quer:projection alias="EmployeeID" xmlns:quer="">
          <quer:field path="Offers,Employee_20ID"/>
        <quer:field path="Offers,Employee_20ID"/>


Auto updates for WordPress

I need to investigate this further but it’s now an ability to auto update WordPress, here’s the link: