Monthly Archives: May 2016


SSO Bypass URL

When testing before the standard login is shut off you may need to bypass which is such:


TCC – SHA-2 Migration

Oracle has announced that they are ending support for SHA-1 and migrating all it’s products to be SHA-2 compliant. Today they have released the information needed in order to accomplish this.
TCC-TCB SHA-2_CustomerDocument_Final is the Oracle white paper on the migration. read more »



I had this come up when I was trying to insert the row number for the purpose of populating a SeqNo. This is what it looks like…

ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [Column Name]) as SeqNo


TCC – Reopen Vs. Reactivate Operations

A shout out to Kelly Amott for bringing this to resolution. I’ve always wondered what the difference between the the requisition reopen and reactivate operations and there’s not a bunch in the documentation that I’ve seen that would explain it. He got the answer from a case and was kind enough to share.

Update and FYI – To take the req off hold I was using the Requisition – reopen spec. Oracle advised that reopen is for cancelled reqs. The specification I needed to be using is the Requisition – reactivate.