TCC – SHA-2 Migration

Oracle has announced that they are ending support for SHA-1 and migrating all it’s products to be SHA-2 compliant. Today they have released the information needed in order to accomplish this.
TCC-TCB SHA-2_CustomerDocument_Final is the Oracle white paper on the migration.

There is a bit of confusion as to which version of 15A that you need to be on in order to have TCC be compliant with the new SHA-2 servers. This stems from the fact that there are 3 versions of TCC15a. Here is what you need to know.

Version 15A – This one should have an EXE date of 6/25/15 and was the initial release of 15A, it’s version number is this:





Version 15A.1 – This one has the EXE date of 12/3/15 and although it’s no longer showing the release date on edelivery I believe it was released on 4/15/16. This can be identified by this version number:





Version 15A.2 – This one has the EXE date of 5/6/16 and was released 5/19/16. This one is the one that is compliant with SHA-2 as specified in the release notes. It’s version number is as such:





As noted in the white paper, the upgrade must be completed by September 2016 in order to ensure that there isn’t a service interruption…

Here are a couple things to keep in mind, we are installing a new version of TCC and by default we’ll need some of the files from the old installation to make things run seamlessly…

  • Custom dictionaries – The initial installation won’t have the information on any user defined fields that have been created. To this end you’ll need to bring over the custom dictionaries so it works without issue.
    – In a standard installation they can be found in [TCC-InstallationDirectory]\customdictionaries directory, you don’t have to worry about this in a TouchPoints installation.
  • Default Config_brd – This is the configuration board that establishes the connection with the zone, you’ll want to bring this over if you ever launch TCC outside of the:
    TCC_Touchpoints\bin\Windows\GUI directory.
    -Copy the [TCC-InstallationDirectory]\system\default.configuration_brd.xml into the new installation directory.  (NOTE: this directory won’t exist if you have not launched TCC from the installation directory. It’s completely acceptable to create the directory and drop the file in.
  • Any external Java classes – This shouldn’t be an issue in most instances but please check the [TCC-InstallationDirectory]\extensions\externaljars directory of the legacy TCC installation. If there are files in here you’ll need to ascertain if any of your integrations are using custom steps or classes. Make note of these and review the configurations for custom steps.
  • Last Run Dates – For many exports, there is a last run date utilized to only pull records that have not been processed, you will need to copy these files from the only installation [TCC-InstallationDirectory]\lastrundates into the new installation directory.  This needs to be done before running any exports relying on last run dates to prevent the export from picking up all records.


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