Monthly Archives: March 2022


TCC – Custom Steps

In normal circumstances, I’d just give a link to where these files live but from the best I can tell their home on the web has been removed. So given that they were released under open source, I’ll provide the files in that spirit as I’m not sure where else they exist.


TCC – Emailing Import Errors

This is for when you need to have the results file sent to you if there are errors in said results file. This can be a little tricky because you will not get a file if all elements were successful although you can probably do something about that with the trigger rule.
In any case this is the last custom step of the post process and assuming you have the mail host set properly in the config boards, you should be golden.

			<cli:Value>Reporting - Subject/Object of Integration</cli:Value>

Python and Pandas on Jupyter

Maybe it should be in Jupyter??? In any case, I’ve been studying using python in jupyter notebooks and it’s some pretty radical stuff. Using numpy and %matplotlib inline can yield some incredible results. This is a list of the commonly used features and samples thereof.

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