Monthly Archives: September 2019


TCC – File Attachment Location by Candidate Visiblity

File attachments are (of course) part and parcel of integration tasks. One of the things that needs to be understood is the difference between candidate visible attachments and candidate non-visible attachments.
This comes into play in two scenerios. Exporting candidate attachments and exporting application attachments as each case has candidate visible/non-visible attachments.

So to document where each is here is the breakdown:
If you’re only looking to pull candidate visible attachments, these are located here: Candidate,AttachedFiles,FileContent
To pull both candidate visible/non-visible attachments, those are located here: Candidate,TalentUser,Profile,AttachedFiles,FileContent
If you’re only looking to pull candidate visible attachments, these are located here: Application,AttachedFiles,FileContent
To pull both candidate visible/non-visible attachments, those are located here: Application,ProfileInformation,AttachedFiles,FileContent


TCC – Application Motive

So one of the more painful points of pulling application data is to get at the motive. It’s hard because the motive is literally buried in the history of the application profile. Here’s a complex projection that can help with the excruciating process.

<quer:projection alias="CSWMotive" xmlns:quer="">
  <quer:query projectedClass="Application" alias="sqMotives" preventDuplicates="true" pagingsize="1">
      <quer:projection alias="Motive">
        <quer:field path="ProfileInformation,HistoryItems,ApplicationTrackingCSWItem.CSWMotives,Mnemonic"/>
          <quer:field path="Number"/>
          <quer:field ownerQuery="MainQuery" path="Number"/>
          <quer:field path="ProfileInformation,HistoryItems,ApplicationTrackingCSWItem.Step,Mnemonic"/>
          <quer:field ownerQuery="MainQuery" path="CSWLatestStep,Mnemonic"/>
          <quer:field path="ProfileInformation,HistoryItems,ApplicationTrackingCSWItem.Status,Mnemonic"/>
          <quer:field ownerQuery="MainQuery" path="CSWLatestStatus,Mnemonic"/>
          <quer:field path="ProfileInformation,HistoryItems,ApplicationTrackingCSWItem.Reverted"/>
          <quer:field path="ProfileInformation,HistoryItems,ApplicationTrackingHistoryItem.CreationDate"/>
          <quer:query projectedClass="Application" alias="sqMaxDate" preventDuplicates="true" pagingsize="1">
              <quer:projection alias="Motive">
                  <quer:field path="ProfileInformation,HistoryItems,ApplicationTrackingHistoryItem.CreationDate"/>
                  <quer:field path="Number"/>
                  <quer:field ownerQuery="MainQuery" path="Number"/>
                  <quer:field path="ProfileInformation,HistoryItems,ApplicationTrackingCSWItem.Step,Mnemonic"/>
                  <quer:field ownerQuery="MainQuery" path="CSWLatestStep,Mnemonic"/>
                  <quer:field path="ProfileInformation,HistoryItems,ApplicationTrackingCSWItem.Status,Mnemonic"/>
                  <quer:field ownerQuery="MainQuery" path="CSWLatestStatus,Mnemonic"/>
                  <quer:field path="ProfileInformation,HistoryItems,ApplicationTrackingCSWItem.Reverted"/>


As you know a lot of times it’s extremely helpful to have the zone designation on a export file title so you know exactly what zone it came out of. I find this really helpful in cases where you’re pulling UDSElements.
Here’s how these two variables work:
TALEO_HOST – Gives the full URL of the zone (e.g.
TALEO_ZONE – Gives only the zone portion of the URL (e.g. ptrthinktalent) so the is assumed.