TCC – File Attachment Location by Candidate Visiblity

File attachments are (of course) part and parcel of integration tasks. One of the things that needs to be understood is the difference between candidate visible attachments and candidate non-visible attachments.
This comes into play in two scenerios. Exporting candidate attachments and exporting application attachments as each case has candidate visible/non-visible attachments.

So to document where each is here is the breakdown:
If you’re only looking to pull candidate visible attachments, these are located here: Candidate,AttachedFiles,FileContent
To pull both candidate visible/non-visible attachments, those are located here: Candidate,TalentUser,Profile,AttachedFiles,FileContent
If you’re only looking to pull candidate visible attachments, these are located here: Application,AttachedFiles,FileContent
To pull both candidate visible/non-visible attachments, those are located here: Application,ProfileInformation,AttachedFiles,FileContent

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