Monthly Archives: October 2015


TCC – Diversity Q&A’s Export

So more of the fun of projecting candidate answers to diversity questions is actually figuring out what the form, question and answers can be. So to make our lives easier here is the export file to glean this information.

Create an empty file named: DiversityPossibleAnswerExport_sq.xml

Copy this information into the file, build the config and run and all questions (and answers) will be revealed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<quer:query productCode="RC1401" model="" projectedClass="DiversityPossibleAnswer" locale="en" mode="CSV" csvheader="true" csvdelimiter="|" csvquote="&quot;" largegraph="true" preventDuplicates="false" xmlns:quer=""><quer:subQueries/><quer:projections><quer:projection><quer:field path="Question,DiversityQuestion.RegulationForm,Number"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="Question,DiversityQuestion.RegulationForm,Code"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="Question,DiversityQuestion.RegulationForm,Name"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="Question,DiversityQuestion.RegulationForm,Active"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="Question,DiversityQuestion.RegulationForm,Status,Code"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="Question,Number"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="Question,Code"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="Question,Name"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="Question,Active"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="Question,Status,Code"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="Number"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="Description"/></quer:projection></quer:projections><quer:projectionFilterings/><quer:filterings/><quer:sortings/><quer:sortingFilterings/><quer:groupings/><quer:joinings/></quer:query>

TCC – Replace CR/LF in Export

Sometimes you get to export a field where someone could have placed CR/LF’s, which is an enter in a text area sending carriage return line feed. This is the replace statement that will removed it and replace it with a blank:

<quer:projection alias="OfferNotes" projectedValueType="string" xmlns:quer="">
      <quer:field path="CurrentOffer,Notes"/>
      <quer:customFunction name="CHR">
    <quer:customFunction name="CHR">

TEE – Documentation

One of the hardest things is tracking down the right documentation for TEE (Taleo Enterprise Edition).
If you type:
taleo enterprise documentation
into Google it should bring you to this which is all the documentation for the platform sans data dictionaries.
You find the data dictionaries on the MOS by searching for ‘data dictionaries’


TCC – Paging

In advanced export options:
Check Prevent Duplicates
Add pageindex with a value of 1 for the first page, 2 for the second, etc.
Add pagingsize with a value of the number of records to be returned.


TCC – Extracting Number Left to Hire

Saw this on the KX and thought it would serve me well one day (Doc ID 1045362.1)