Category Archives: PowerShell


PowerShell – Execution Policies

Just as an FYI, when you try to run your first PS script file, you will more than likely run afoul of the execution policies which are in place to prevent you from accidentally doing much damage by allowing one of these bad boys to run unchecked. So your first order of business is to cruise over here and familiarize yourself with the policies and then fire up PowerShell as an administrator and run this:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser

Now you’ll be able to run scripts.


PowerShell – Count number of commas in each row of a CSV

So sometimes your data is so bad that you can’t trust a two column CSV to be turned into a dictionary, or more aptly, the file that is supposed to be two columns won’t open with in python to convert it to a dictionary because it doesn’t see two columns. So where is the issue? Probably a column count, which you can usually figure out if there are extra in excel but what if there are less? This PS snippet will read a given CSV, count the number of columns in the header row and report on any difference in the file, assuming your header row is correct this tells you which lines aren’t helping to validate a file.

$data = Get-Content location.csv

#Count in header
$header = $data[0].Split(",").Count
#Line counter
$i = 1

#Find lines with less or more commas
$data | ForEach-Object { 
    $c = $_.Split(",").Count
    if($c -ne $header) { "Line $i - $c commas" }

Powershell – Deleting Empty CSV Files

Sometimes in integration, you have jobs that run every 5 minutes or so, now these jobs run regardless if there’s data or not and they’ll produce an ’empty’ file. That’s to say there isn’t any usable data in it, just a header row. So you have one file every 5 minutes, that’s 12 an hour or 288 in a day. Some are going to have date, others not. While this can be done with a batch file (elsewhere on this site), Powershell offers a quicker way to do the same thing. Below is a Powershell script that looks through CSV’s and kills ones with only one line of data (header) leaving anything with real data in place.

Get-ChildItem $path -Filter *.csv |
ForEach-Object {
$content = $path+"$_"
[int]$LinesInFile = 0
$reader = New-Object IO.StreamReader $content
 while($reader.ReadLine() -ne $null){ $LinesInFile++ }
#Write-Host($content+" - "+$LinesInFile)
if ($LinesInFile -eq 1)
#Write-Host("File: "+$content+" with "+$LinesInFile+" line will be deleted")
Remove-Item -Path $content -Force

TCC & Powershell – CSV to Set Filters

If you’ve been working with TCC for any length of time you’ll know the purple squirrel, rainbow unicorn and pot at the end of the rainbow is being able to set the filters based on a CSV. This ability would mark a boon for automating ad hoc integrations.

Now there are options, Python could pull it off but Python doesn’t live and play on a stock server I run across 95% of the time. Powershell does however, well it usually lives there, not sure how much play is involved.

In any case, it turns out we can do this whole process in Powershell without a whole bunch of headache.

#Declare variables
$sourcePath = "..\..\scripts\mappingFiles\mappingContestNumberToJobCode.csv"
$targetPath = "..\..\scripts\mappingFiles\mappingFilterList.txt"
$targetContent = @()
$outputContent = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $false
#Loop through source file to build filter
Import-Csv $sourcePath | ForEach-Object {
    $targetContent += "<quer:string>$($_.Requisition)</quer:string>"
#Write out file as UTF8 no BOM
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($targetPath, $targetContent, $outputContent)
#Update export specificaitons with the new filter set
((Get-Content -path ..\..\scripts\RequisitionExport\RequisitionExportTemplate_sq.xml -Raw) -replace 'FilterList', (Get-Content -path  ..\..\scripts\mappingFiles\mappingFilterList.txt -Raw)) | Set-Content -Path ..\..\scripts\RequisitionExport\RequisitionExport_sq.xml;
((Get-Content -path ..\..\scripts\RequisitionMappingExport\RequisitionMappingExportTemplate_sq.xml -Raw) -replace 'FilterList', (Get-Content -path  ..\..\scripts\mappingFiles\mappingFilterList.txt -Raw)) | Set-Content -Path ..\..\scripts\RequisitionMappingExport\RequisitionMappingExport_sq.xml;
((Get-Content -path ..\..\scripts\RequisitionCollaboratorExport\RequisitionCollaboratorExportTemplate_sq.xml -Raw) -replace 'FilterList', (Get-Content -path  ..\..\scripts\mappingFiles\mappingFilterList.txt -Raw)) | Set-Content -Path ..\..\scripts\RequisitionCollaboratorExport\RequisitionCollaboratorExport_sq.xml;
((Get-Content -path ..\..\scripts\RequisitionOpenExport\RequisitionOpenExportTemplate_sq.xml -Raw) -replace 'FilterList', (Get-Content -path  ..\..\scripts\mappingFiles\mappingFilterList.txt -Raw)) | Set-Content -Path ..\..\scripts\RequisitionOpenExport\RequisitionOpenExport_sq.xml;
((Get-Content -path ..\..\scripts\SourcingRequestExport\SourcingRequestExportTemplate_sq.xml -Raw) -replace 'FilterList', (Get-Content -path  ..\..\scripts\mappingFiles\mappingFilterList.txt -Raw)) | Set-Content -Path ..\..\scripts\SourcingRequestExport\SourcingRequestExport_sq.xml;
((Get-Content -path ..\..\scripts\CandidateMatchExport\CandidateMatchExportTemplate_sq.xml -Raw) -replace 'FilterList', (Get-Content -path  ..\..\scripts\mappingFiles\mappingFilterList.txt -Raw)) | Set-Content -Path ..\..\scripts\CandidateMatchExport\CandidateMatchExport_sq.xml;
((Get-Content -path ..\..\scripts\RequisitionQuestionExport\RequisitionQuestionExportTemplate_sq.xml -Raw) -replace 'FilterList', (Get-Content -path  ..\..\scripts\mappingFiles\mappingFilterList.txt -Raw)) | Set-Content -Path ..\..\scripts\RequisitionQuestionExport\RequisitionQuestionExport_sq.xml;
((Get-Content -path ..\..\scripts\RequisitionOtherLocationExport\RequisitionOtherLocationExportTemplate_sq.xml -Raw) -replace 'FilterList', (Get-Content -path  ..\..\scripts\mappingFiles\mappingFilterList.txt -Raw)) | Set-Content -Path ..\..\scripts\RequisitionOtherLocationExport\RequisitionOtherLocationExport_sq.xml;


PowerShell – Replace in Files

One of the hard parts about working on remote servers is they don’t usually have the proper toolkit to fix things as needed, meaning you have to make the changes in the development workstation, repackage and post, pull, copy, extract and paste in order to get anything done. Fine if it’s the initial load but when you only need to change something in a dozen files or so it can be tedious. So in the spirit of making due with what you have, you can use PowerShell to emulate the replace in file normally invoked from Notepad++ to work around it.
Here is the example:

foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem FileMask*.bat)
powershell -Command "(gc $file) -replace 'Text1', 'Text2' | Out-File -encoding UTF8 $file"

Powershell – Archive Log Files by Day

Log files, you have to love them because they allow you to figure out what’s going on but what do you do with them, by default they just keep writing and writing and at some point you need to do something with them.
I found this powershell script that can do exactly that and put it here for safe keeping

# This script requires WMF version >= 5.0 -  Download WMF 5.1 from
# The directory that has the files desired to be imported MUST HAVE TRAILING "\"
$path = "C:\onedrive_tt\Client\AbbVie\TCC_Touchpoints\doc\20190910-ResponseFiles\results\"
# Optional filter to only touch files with specified extension 
$mask = "*.csv" 
$ZipFileName= ""
#Filter to only touch files older than specified hours
$hours = 24
# Begin SMTP Server information 
# $SMTPPassword = "PlainText SMTP Password"
# $SMTPUser = "SMTP Authentication user, will also be SMTP From: address"
# $SMTPServer = ""
# $SMTPTo = ''
# $SMTPSubjectFail = "ZIP Folder script failed to run"
# $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $SMTPPassword -AsPlainText -Force
# $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($SMTPUser, $secpasswd)
# End SMTP Configuration
$problem = $false
$date = (Get-Date).tostring("yyyyMMdd")
#Pre setting error message to no issue, will change later in the script
$errorMessage="no issue"


try {
    # Get all items from specified path, recursing into directories but not returning directories themselves. Excluding files with modificiation dates less than $hours
    $files = Get-ChildItem $path -Recurse -Include $mask | where {($_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddHours(-$hours)) -and ($_.psIsContainer -eq $false)} 
    foreach ($file in $files) {
        $Directory = $path + $file.LastWriteTime.Date.ToString('yyyyMMdd')
        if (!(Test-Path $Directory)) {
	        New-Item $directory -type directory
	    Move-Item $file.fullname $Directory
    $folders = Get-ChildItem $path -Directory  | % { $_.FullName }
    foreach ($folder in $folders) {
        $zipname = $folder + $ZipFileName
        if (!(test-path $zipname)){
        compress-archive -LiteralPath $folder -DestinationPath $zipname
        if (test-path $zipname){
        remove-item -Recurse $folder 
        else {
        Write-host $zipname + "Did not create, so I'm not deleting" + $folder
catch {
    $problem = $true
    $errormessage = $_.Exception.Message
finally {
    if ($problem){
        Write-Host $errorMessage
        # Send-MailMessage  -SmtpServer  $SMTPServer -UseSsl -From $SMTPUser -To $SMTPTo -Subject $SMTPSubjectFail  -Body $ErrorMessage -Credential $mycreds  
    else {
        Write-Host "Script ran sucessfully"