Sometimes in integration, you have jobs that run every 5 minutes or so, now these jobs run regardless if there’s data or not and they’ll produce an ’empty’ file. That’s to say there isn’t any usable data in it, just a header row. So you have one file every 5 minutes, that’s 12 an hour or 288 in a day. Some are going to have date, others not. While this can be done with a batch file (elsewhere on this site), Powershell offers a quicker way to do the same thing. Below is a Powershell script that looks through CSV’s and kills ones with only one line of data (header) leaving anything with real data in place.
Get-ChildItem $path -Filter *.csv |
ForEach-Object {
$content = $path+"$_"
[int]$LinesInFile = 0
$reader = New-Object IO.StreamReader $content
while($reader.ReadLine() -ne $null){ $LinesInFile++ }
#Write-Host($content+" - "+$LinesInFile)
if ($LinesInFile -eq 1)
#Write-Host("File: "+$content+" with "+$LinesInFile+" line will be deleted")
Remove-Item -Path $content -Force