NetChange Result Files

So net-change has given you a bunch of errors, oh well, that’s why we’re here. But it would be nice if net-change would give you the actual identifier instead of instead of a concatenated entity, operation and identifier with a pipe. Oh well, here’s how you pull it in SQL (access) so I don’t have to look up the three functions again.

SELECT SourceCandError.Identifier
,StrReverse(SourceCandError.Identifier) as Rev
,InStr(SourceCandError.Identifier, "|") as FirstPipeLoc
,InStr(StrReverse(SourceCandError.Identifier), "|") as LastPipeLoc
,Right(SourceCandError.Identifier, InStr(StrReverse(SourceCandError.Identifier), "|") -1) as Ident
,Right(SourceCandError.Identifier, InStr(SourceCandError.Identifier, "|")) as AfterPipe
,Mid(SourceCandError.Identifier, InStr(SourceCandError.Identifier, "|")+1, Len(SourceCandError.Identifier) - InStr(SourceCandError.Identifier, "|") - InStr(StrReverse(SourceCandError.Identifier), "|")) as Oper
FROM SourceCandError;

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