TCC – Referencing a User-defined Field Explicitly in an Import File

I ran across this and thought that it was odd. On a candidate import, instead of using the standard field Prefix, we were needing to target a user defined selection elements named Prefix. The error being returned was the following:

Error Detail:
Code: internal
Description: A general internal error occurred.
Reason: Relation “Prefix” not found for the entity “Candidate” in the product pack
The error occurred in the following step: Prepare Import
The corresponding code for this error in version 1.0 would have been: -1

It was odd because one is a field and the other a selection. The fix can be found in Doc ID 1047706.1 on the MOS.
Basically to explicitly declare a user defined field/selection, you need to prefix CustomField: to the field name in order to specify you’re speaking of a custom field. So Prefix,Description becomes CustomField:Prefix,Description and the error is solved.

This post isn’t as clear as it should be so here’s a better example. Let’s say you have a custom field in experience that’s called ReasonForLeaving. This is a custom field that is the same as the standard field called ReasonForLeaving. The reasons why it’s named the same are not important what is, is calling the right field:
Standard field would be:
Custom field would be:

So make sure the ‘CustomField:’ declaration is for the field and not the reference location.

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