One of the more fascinating aspects of python is it’s file manipulation capabilities. I have from time to time needed to process (create) 160 or so new batch files to call warehouse integrations. With proper naming convention in development, this process is handled with 21 lines of python code. Love it!!!
with open('_RecruitingNewExport.csv') as file:
for line in file:
line = line.replace("\n", "")
outputLineTwo = line[:-6]
with open("Recruiting_"+str(line)+".bat", "w") as file:
file.write("REM This batch file executes the "+str(line)+" integration\n")
file.write("REM Set directories and variables\n")
file.write("@ECHO OFF\n")
file.write("cd /d \"%~dp0\"\n")
file.write("Call Environment.bat\n")
file.write("TITLE %~nx0 – %TALEO_HOST% – %date% %time%\n")
file.write("SET timeStamp=%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%\n")
file.write("SET timeStamp=%timestamp: =0%\n")
file.write("REM Run the export integration\n")
file.write("Call core\TCC.bat \"%SCRIPTS_FOLDER%\\CandidateExportScripts\\"+str(line)+"\\"+str(line)+"_cfg.xml\" \"%SCRIPTS_FOLDER%\\CandidateExportScripts\\"\
+str(line)+"\\"+str(line)+"_sq.xml\" \"%OUTBOUND_FOLDER%\\"+str(outputLineTwo)+"_%timestamp%.csv\"\n")
file.write("Exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%\n")