I know that the current buzzword for IT is python and I’m going to have to jump on that bandwagon. In my role as an integration engineer, there are a lot of times that I have to manipulate file data and I’m super impressed by the ease and power of this language.
So to this end I’ll be creating a category for python on this blog and storing code snippets that I find handy and useful. Hope you find it as helpful and enjoyable as I do.
I know a lot of people hear python and think, yeah, a big snake that will constrict you until you’re dead and then swallow you whole. A perfect simile for programming. But here’s the truth, Guido van Rossum developed the language starting in 1989 and the name python comes not from the snake but Monty Python’s Flying Circus which the developers loved to watch while they were coming up with the language. Knowledge is power and sometimes funny too.