As you know one of the important reasons that you have a Linux server is so you can use it to store and transfer files. File Transfer Protocol is your friend in this case. The basic flavor you get when you install FTP on FC16 is VSFTP or (very secure file transfer protocol). Now my first glance opinion on this wasn’t favorable, this primarily stems from the fact that there is no webmin module that can control this server and I have no idea how to use it. Turns out I was wrong and the damn thing is so simple to use even I was shocked when I figured it out. Here is a quick list of commands for working with the service.
Use the chkconfig command to start the service at boot: chkcongif vsftpd on
Starting, stopping and restarting like so:
service vsftpd start
service vsftpd stop
service vsftpd restart
Viewing the status:
service vsftpd status
pgrep vsftpd (this will give you the process Id’s)
I’m going to give a shout out to and the article here for shedding light on the situation. I’ll have to do some poking around on their site. Very helpful:)