Changing Screening Partner on Requisitions

This subject has come up time after time so I’m going to attempt to document.  In order to pull this off you have to create about a dozen integrations.  They aren’t elaborate but it does require some inside information.  I’m attempting to document it here for future reference.

Now as with anything TCC, you can’t do anything you can’t do on the front end. Keeping that in mind let’s go through the process you’d have to do manually and I’ll lay in the TCC insights.

  1. First you’d take a look at the job boards that the job is posted to, this is so you can post them again once this practice is complete. To do that via TCC, you’ll be pulling out of the SourcingRequest table. You can utilize the SourcingRequestStatus to help filter this out, don’t try to run this one without a filter, it’s a big list because every post has a line here. Also note that career sections are job boards for our purposes.
  2. The next process is going to be unpost the requisition. This is done by using the unpost-from-all operation in a requisition import. There is only one parameter but as always be smart and use an identifier.
  3. Once the req is unposted we need to put it on hold, this is done by using the put-on-hold operation in a requisition import. Here you will find 2 parameters, one for requisition and one for comment. It completely depends on how your front end is set up as to if the comment is required. It will bark at you if you don’t add it and it is.
  4. Now that we have gotten this far we can start making changes to the requisition, at this point you can do any changes you like but as we’re paying attention to the screening provider let’s run with that. More than likely you’re going to want to deactivate one and activate another so let’s deactivate first. This is done by creating an import against the RequisitionScreeningPartner entity with the operation of  deactivate-service-for-requisition and no I couldn’t make that up if I tried. There are two parameters in play here, partner ID and contest number. Now we all know what contest number is, so what is the partner ID? The partner ID is the partner,code you can ascertain from a PassportPartner export. Under parameters you can find what you’ll need for a future step so make the export step 3B.
  5. Now it’s time to activate the new screening provider, this is once again against the RequisitionScreeningPartner entity but this time you’ll be using an activate operation. This has 5 parameters in it: partner ID, contest number, Input parameter (key), Input parameter (value) and Override if active. Only 3 are used to activate the screening provider, the screening provider must be activated before a package can be activated.
  6. Now we know the partner ID and contest number but the Input parameters key and value are new. Key is the Parameters,[vendor]PackageId,Code and value is Parameters,[vendor]:PackageId,Description specified in the export in 3B. Lastly the override if active is Boolean and I just set it to 0. And last lastly, there seems to be a bug, I tried to set the PackageID and it kept saying that it didn’t have a parameter for it, but when I changed the packageID on the first element to be code, code the second one worked.  I fixed the first one and it works now. I’m completely confused by this.
  7. Okay if we’ve made it this far we’re in the home stretch proverbially. Now we need to get this guys off of hold. This is done by using a reactivate operation against the recruiting entity. Once again two parameters, requisition and comment.
  8. Now the requisition should be open. The next step is to get it posted. So we use the post-on-career-section operation against the requisition. The only thing is you’ll need to have the career section name in order to do this.

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