TCC – Diversity Question Projection

Not sure why the diversity questions are nested the way they are as opposed to the questions. Diversity questions are the canned questions related to EEO, if the client is using those you have to get the answer from the diversity questions element. Here is a sample of how it works:

<quer:projection id="idEEO2OtherProtectVetAnswerNo" alias="OtherProtectedVetAnswer" xmlns:quer="">
  <quer:query projectedClass="Candidate" alias="CandOtherProtectVetNo">
      <quer:projection alias="EEO2OtherProtectVetNo">
          <quer:field path="DiversityAnswers,PossibleAnswer,PossibleAnswerType,Number"/>
          <quer:field path="DiversityAnswers,Question,Number"/>
          <quer:field path="Number"/>
          <quer:field ownerQuery="NewHire" path="Candidate"/>

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