So my home Linux server has been running for about half a year without a reboot on FC19 and being a glutton for punishment I decided to give fedup a try again. This time I’m happy to say that it was an enjoyable experience.
I have auto updates turned on and there wasn’t any exposure to ShellShock that I could tell. I rebooted the box and then ran these commands:
sudo yum update fedup fedora-release
sudo fedup –network 20
After about 45 minutes of checks and downloading the files it said it would update on reboot. As I typed the command to do so I had flashbacks to failed updates in the past that required an amazing amount of configuration to get me back to square one. I downed a drink and pondered it as the terminal session died from the reboot, don’t even have a stinking monitor on that box…
An hour and a half later I gave it a shot, and it worked. I mean everything worked, websites, webmin, SSH… I even logged into webmin and it told me that I was running a different version than it was reporting and gave me a link to fix it… It all just worked.
So the take away from this is you wait until the alpha version of the next version is out and then attempt to upgrade to the current version. As always, backup anything you don’t want to lose before you try this but I’m very happy about the outcome.