I work from home, so I have an office (room set aside as one) and I try to keep office hours but one of the things that no matter how hard I try, I fail to turn the volume on in the morning so I get notifications for meetings, email and IM’s and turn it off when leaving so I’m not hearing the notification for meetings, email and IM’s. You’d think this is fairly simple, you’d be thinking wrong.
I found a way to pass the pressing of the mute button and was able to schedule it for 8 am and 5 pm. Not elegant because if the mute is on at 5 pm it gets un-muted. It’ll work for now until I can look deeper into it.
Create a batch file that you’ll call with task scheduler. It’s one line:
powershell (new-object -com wscript.shell).SendKeys([char]173)