Author Archives: Aron

TCC – Versions

I’m always trying to make sense of TCC versions and found this article on MOS that addresses it SD6004 – TCC Version (Doc ID 1047569.1)

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TCC – [NOW] format

Another piece of documentation buried in the docs of a TCC installation.

As we know the [NOW] is a symbol that translates the current date and time as such:
The default date format is: NOW(“yyyyMMdd’T’HHmmss”) = 20080702T10:12:00

You can specify the time format by using any supported date and time pattern: NOW(“EEE, MMM d, yyyy”) = Wed, Jul 2, 2008

For more information on supported date and time patterns, please refer to: http://

TCC – Strip Non Numeric Characters

This is strait out of the manual…

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TCC – Max Offer

This is for new hire exports where you only want the most recent offer to be returned.  Remember to set the ownerQuery name.

<quer:filtering xmlns:quer="">
<quer:field path="Offers"/>
<quer:query projectedClass="Offer" alias="My_Offer_Subquery">
<quer:projection alias="MaxOffer">
<quer:field path="Offers,Number"/>
<quer:field path="Application,Offers"/>
<quer:field ownerQuery="NewHire" path="Offers,Number"/>

Net Change Issue

You are correct, normally a record that is dropped from a net-change data file will result in it being deleted or de-activated in the zone by following net-change run.  However if there was a net-change setup run before the next ‘normal’ net-change than this wouldn’t happen.   This is because the net-change setup will delete the current net-change data repository and then re-populates it with zone values, but only for those records in the data file.  I’ve recently written an example for this scenario that may make this more clear.
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A Rather Pleasant Experience

So my home Linux server has been running for about half a year without a reboot on FC19 and being a glutton for punishment I decided to give fedup a try again. This time I’m happy to say that it was an enjoyable experience.

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Adding A Folder to TCC_Touchpoints

Here’s how:

Add this to the environment file:
SET RESPONSE_FOLDER=..\..\data\response

Then add this to the tcc.bat:

Then add this to the TCC_GUI.bat:
call :makeAbsoluteShortName RESPONSE_FOLDER
>>”%TCC_HOME%\TaleoConnectClient.ini” echo -Dcom.taleo.client.symbol.RESPONSE_FOLDER=%RESPONSE_FOLDER%


Product Integration Pack Codes (Doc ID 1044000.1)

Configuration, export and import files refer to product integration packs through an alpha-numeric code.|
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Unicode vs UTF-8

Found a great explanation on the subject here, posted it here for posterity.

This is an unfortunate misnaming perpetrated by Windows.

Because Windows uses UTF-16LE encoding internally as the memory storage format for Unicode strings, it considers this to be the natural encoding of Unicode text. In the Windows world, there are ANSI strings (the system codepage on the current machine, subject to total unportability) and there are Unicode strings (stored internally as UTF-16LE).

This was all devised in the early days of Unicode, before we realised that UCS-2 wasn’t enough, and before UTF-8 was invented. This is why Windows’s support for UTF-8 is all-round poor.

This misguided naming scheme became part of the user interface. A text editor that uses Windows’s encoding support to provide a range of encodings will automatically and inappropriately describe UTF-16LE as “Unicode”, and UTF-16BE, if provided, as “Unicode big-endian”.

(Other editors that do encodings themselves, like Notepad++, don’t have this problem.)

If it makes you feel any better about it, ‘ANSI’ strings aren’t based on any ANSI standard, either.

Goodbye to an awesome open source project

It seems the open source Gallery Project is calling it quits.  That’s a shame as I’ve been using it for well over a decade.  I guess in this day and age of social media there isn’t much of a call for your photos on your website.  But there is for me.  If I put something out there I own it and yes I know that it can copied ad infinium but the point of it is I own it.  So the search begins for a replacement, I’ll check to see what coppermine is up to and if you know of anything good let me know.