Author Archives: Aron

TCC – An Exercise In LOWER

I ran across an issue where a client had usernames that were all supposed to be lower but somehow wound up as a mixed case username.
The SQL we would use would work out something like this…

Username != LOWER(Username)

To illustrate this here is the export specification that would return the above mentioned in TCC, name of file CandidateExportTestLower_sq.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<quer:query productCode="RC1501" model="" projectedClass="Candidate" locale="en" mode="CSV" csvheader="true" largegraph="true" preventDuplicates="false" xmlns:quer="">
			<quer:field path="Number"/>
			<quer:field path="Credentials,Username"/>
		<quer:projection alias="UsernameLower">
   <quer:customFunction name="LOWER">
      <quer:field path="Credentials,Username"/>
		<quer:field path="Credentials,Username"/>
		<quer:customFunction name="LOWER">
			<quer:field path="Credentials,Username"/>

TCC – Importing Dates

I don’t know why but I can never figure out what the date should be when importing it.
It needs to be the format of:

TCC – Alias Length

Turns out there is a 30 character limit on aliases.

TCC – Upgrading TCC

There are three items that we need to take a look at in regards to upgrading TCC.

The first in the version of your current zone in relation to Recruiting, Transitions and Performance. These are usually in sync with one another and denoted by the year released and an A/B version of the release (e.g. 14A, 14B, 15A). This information can be ascertained from the GUI by clicking resources > about.
This version will be the target version for TCC so if your zone is on 15A, we’ll be upgrading TCC to version 15A.

The next item of concern is the installation of the the latest version of TCC and corresponding Application Data Model (Feature Packs). These can be obtained from and a tutorial of the installation can be found here.
TCC versions can be installed side by side with no issues. This assumes that you will utilize a separate directory for each of the installations. The TaleoConnectClient.bat file will be what needs to be called from the batch files in order to utilize the new version, this file is in the root of the installation directory.

The last item we need to address is the version of the scripts themselves. Every script (*_sq.xml = export, *_ld.xml = import, *_cfg.xml = configuration) will have an attribute called productCode in the XML file. It will look like this:
productCode=”RC1401″ for imports and exports
RC1401 for configurations.
These codes are documented on the Oracle support site in Doc ID 1044000.1
In this case we can see that these integrations were built under 14A. These scripts will have to be manually updated via a text editor to change the RC1401 to RC1501 which corresponds to TCC 15A. It is highly recommended that this is done first on a staging server pointed towards the staging zone. The issue that could possibly occur is that if any fields have been deprecated and those are associated with an integration, it will cause the integration to fail. Conversely, if new fields are added you will need the version of TCC that the enhancement was released in order to utilize the new field.

TCC – Jumbled Runtime Panel

Sometimes I get logged onto a server and I run something manually and the screen is all messed up…

This comes from the Monitoring Location folder in the monitoring tab of the config file. If it is set to ‘monitor’ (no quotes) all is good as long as you have Create HTML monitoring files checked under the Monitoring Type…

TCC- Custom Functions

I think one of the things that sets TCC apart from other integration engines is the ability to utilize pretty much any Oracle SQL function by using the customFunction feature. You simply declare the function you would like to use in the name attribute.
I ran across a situation where I needed to use the GREATEST function on two fields and was able to declare that function and pass the parameters exactly as you would if you were writing it in SQL developer as seen below.

<quer:filtering xmlns:quer="">
<quer:customFunction name="GREATEST">
<quer:field path="Process,Steps,EndDate"/>
<quer:field path="ProfileInformation,Application,CSWLatestDate"/>

TCC – Error – ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected – got CLOB

I don’t run across this very often but I’m going to start referencing errors here for my reference, this information is strait from MOS support doc (1047894.1)

Applies to:
Oracle Taleo Platform Cloud Service – Connect – Version 12A and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.

ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected – got CLOB
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected – got BLOB

These errors are raised when an export file has the Prevent Duplicates flag checked and include a projection for a field that is stored as a BLOB or CLOB in the database.

The BLOB and CLOB type fields include:


Troubleshooting Steps
To resolve the issue, use one of the following solutions:

Uncheck the Prevent Duplicates flag in the selection query (sq.xml) file.
Remove the problematic projections from the export file.
Apply the To char function to the projection.

TCC – Between Date/Time

I never can remember the format for putting it in manually and I’m usually pulling it from the XML created on the LRD out of the profiler. So here is the between to use as a complex filter so that TCC will translate it for you.

<quer:filtering xmlns:quer="">
		<quer:field path="Process,Steps,EndDate"/>

TCC – NotLike

So there are times when you want to use not like to eliminate some elements from a query. A prime example is one I’m looking at now, I’m trying to pull all the folks with an application to a list of requisitions to post them to new requisitions I’ve created, but a lot of them that I’m looking at have ‘Candidate Rejected New’ or ‘Candidate Rejected Pre’.
In oracle you can just use not like ‘%rejected%’ but that’s not really an option with TCC, you can however use contains strait out of the box so it’s pretty easy to say contains ‘reject’, if you take this and use a not on either side, your using (does) not contain(s) and it looks a little something like this:

<quer:filtering xmlns:quer="">
	<quer:field path="CSWLatestStatus,Mnemonic"/>

TCC – SSO Error Codes

Ran across this for SSO setup and thought that it may be useful here.

0 Your user permissions do not authorize you to access this page.,
1 The user name and password combination you entered does not correspond to a registered user.,
2 The password you have entered is invalid.,
3 Your account has been locked. Please contact your System Administrator.,
4 Your account has been deleted. For further details, please contact your System Administrator.,
5 Your account has expired. Please contact your System Administrator.,
6 Invalid assertion.,
7 Please provide a user name and a password.,
8 You cannot access this product since you belong to no group. Please contact your System Administrator.,
9 Invalid answer to secret question.,
10 Your account has been deactivated. Please contact your System Administrator to reactivate it.,
11 Your password is expired, default message