
It’s been so long since I’ve worked without these that I forgot that it’s not part an parcel of an implementation if said implementation was done long enough ago. I first got acquainted with TCC in late 2005 and the TCC_Touchpoints weren’t released until November of 2009.

So without further ado, here is the documentation on it as well as an empty touchpoints to get you started.


ListAgg for One to Many Concatenation

I’ve had to do this for a couple of reasons, mainly job types and such in the talent user entity and then again in any one to many users like groups and types.

<quer:projection id="listAggJobType" alias="JobType">
	<quer:query projectedClass="Application" alias="talentUserJobType">
			<quer:projection alias="talentUserJobType_list" projectedValueType="string">
			<quer:customFunction name="listagg">
				<quer:field path="Candidate,TalentUser,JobTypes,Description"/>
				<quer:string> ~ </quer:string>
					<quer:field path="Number"/>
					<quer:field ownerQuery="MainQuery" path="Number"/>


Docker Course

While I use docker internally in my domain, I haven’t yet gotten it into the ‘production’ realm. To that end I stumbled across a link to this course on Reddit that should help solidify my understanding and professionalize my usage of the docker suite of tools.


PowerShell – Execution Policies

Just as an FYI, when you try to run your first PS script file, you will more than likely run afoul of the execution policies which are in place to prevent you from accidentally doing much damage by allowing one of these bad boys to run unchecked. So your first order of business is to cruise over here and familiarize yourself with the policies and then fire up PowerShell as an administrator and run this:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser

Now you’ll be able to run scripts.

Windows 11

Windows 11 – Restore Context Menu

I got a new laptop and it’s got Windows 11 on it and the right-click (context) menu is a bit goofy and needs to be reset to the old way. Luckily Microsoft seems to understand there would be issues with this new methodology and published a fix to set it back and even remove that if so desired.

Windows 11

Windows 11 missing New > Text File from Context Menu

This was a fun one, right-click > new > text file is one of my goto needs to create files that have zero content. You then name them whatever you need and change the extension and off you go. That was missing in the initial Windows 11. Oddly enough the fix is to set the default .txt back to Notepad, it then works, then reset it to Notepad++. Found this here and it works like a charm.


NextCould – Locked Admin Account

Somehow managed to lock myself out of the next cloud admin account. If you have proper access it can be reset with the following:

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin
Open Source

Lychee > Piwigo – Transfer

So I had been using Piwigo for a while but when I tried to upgrade PHP it blew up the instance. So I started looking around for something else that would support PHP 8+ and drifted into the docker/podman world, and the first container I got working in production happened to be Lychee which is a neat little photo management software but, there is some major lack on Lychee, no user management, no size selection when viewing, no method of putting in a photo description. Then Piwigo version 14 drops and it fixes a lot of the issues that Lychee has and adds some pretty cool functionality so now I’m trying to migrate back to Piwigo, here is the script I’m using to pull out the info for transfer.

--SELECT * FROM photos WHERE album_id = 'qVnjGzkaw25SvFRPek3TpULO'

'move ".\' || replace(sv.short_path, '/', '\') || '" ".\breakout\' || replace(a.title, '/', '-') || '\' || p.title || '.jpg"' as oFileName
FROM size_variants sv
JOIN photos p on (sv.photo_id =
JOIN base_albums a on (p.album_id =
WHERE sv.short_path like 'original%'
AND p.album_id != 'qVnjGzkaw25SvFRPek3TpULO'

SELECT 'mkdir "' || replace(a.title, '/', '-') || '"' FROM base_albums

FROM size_variants sv
JOIN photos p on (sv.photo_id =
JOIN base_albums a on (p.album_id =
WHERE sv.short_path like 'original%'


Domains Transferred

So domain registration is just part of life. It’s right up there with death and taxes, well that may be a little exaggerated for standard folk but let’s face it, your domain is an identity. I’m the same way I’m Aron Asberry. I have to get my license renewed every so often and it’s the same way with the domains.

In the dark ages companies like GoDaddy preyed upon both novice and experts alike. $2.99 domain registrations opened the door for up-sales and charges up the wazoo. Then Google brought it’s ‘do no evil’ to domain registration with simple yearly pricing, the centralized, intuitive dashboard, and auto privacy as well as included SSL and all was good.

That is until it wasn’t, large companies like Google can’t not be evil forever, just not in their nature. So they sold off the domain registrar bushiness with 10 million domains to Squarespace and clouds began to form and it got dark. SqSp will honor the $12 for a year so the first renewal is at the old price, but then what? I don’t trust SqSp any further than I can throw them.

A ray of hope showed up on my Facebook feel when says they’ll transfer and renew for a year at no charge if you sign up with them. Well why not, I already have an account with and they hook you up with a free year, why not?

So I transferred 7 domains leaving my .us domain behind because it’s not supported. The process was fairly simple and I’m still checking out the DNS and validating that everything is working but so far so good. Not super happy about the interface, not nearly as clean as Google but it does what you need to. There seem to be a lot more add ons like email address and such but nothing too annoying. So far I’m happy but domain registration isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon and we’ll find out if WordPress is in it for the long run. Here’s hoping!!!


Windows CLI – Setting code page with CHCP

For those times when you are needing to set the command prompt export to UTF-8, it can be done on a temporary basis with ‘chcp 65001’ in the CLI. I’ve been working on achieving parity between the filename in a CSV and on the file system and because the file is rendered in UTF-8, the output of any CLI data needs to be the same so there’s actually a reason that you would want to do this.