Author Archives: Aron

TCC – Expected Elements

So I found myself having to create an export for only UDF’s and had to code it for the type coming out of the custom dictionary so that if it was a string it would output just the field and if it was a date it would apply a TO_CHAR function along with a date specification. As I hang my head in shame I did it in Excel because I didn’t have time to write the Python version of it and inadvertently misspelled field.

To make a long story short the GUI threw an error saying this is the list of expected elements, I’m sure this is somewhere in an XSD but it’s now here for reference:

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TCC – Time Offset

Sometimes you will notice some strange things dealing with time when using TCC and the LRD (last run date). You’ll find that even your export is scheduled for every 10 minutes you’re not getting the people that you just switched to the conditions of the filters. This is especially infuriating when you’re just bringing something to fruition and just testing.

The reason for this is that TCC by default is using [CURRENT_TIME] – 5 minutes for the LRD.

You can set this by adding a line to the *_sq.xml file advanced options with a value with the value being time in minutes.

This is documented on the MOS under Doc ID 1590569.1

Search Parameter in Widows and Outlook

I have the need to figure out by week what was modified in my file system.
Fortunately there’s a string to put in the search box that will give you just that:

modified:7/2/2018 .. 7/31/2018

How about if you need to screen all emails from one week in time in Outlook.
Fortunately there’s a string to put in the search box that will give you just that:

received:7/2/2018 .. 7/31/2018

I’m sure that this format can be used in many other cases (e.g sent items) so it’s good to keep in mind.


Okay if you read this blog you’ll know I’m more of a DB geek than an Excel user but I’m getting tired of every time that I want to do a quick sub-out of data having to load not one but two files into the DB and then write the query to join the two and get what I need. It’s a great way to go but awfully time consuming if it’s not going to be built into a SSIS pack or something of the sort.
So that brings us to the old standard Excel. Actually Excel is awfully handy on the export side of things but using it to import data from a DB or even flat file.
In this case we’ve got two sheets representing two tables with a common key.

  • =VLOOKUP(F2,States!A$2:B$38,2)
  • The $ keeps the range in the middle from moving when you populate down.
  • In this case this is done in G2 where F2 is being looked up.
  • The range is on a second sheet from A2 to B38 where items in A relate to F and the B value will be returned for G.
  • Remember to have the columns in the same order to pull this off.

Just to note, if you are looking at using a field with a tilde, you have to escape it, which looks like this:


SQL – Got People Data?

So how many time did you think to yourself, wouldn’t it be nice to have a repository of names an addresses so I can load for testing? If you’re normal you’ve never asked yourself that. If you’re a computer geek it crosses your mind from time to time. Microsoft has generously given us the Adventure Works database and this is perfect for just such repository. You can find the DB on Microsoft’s site and here is a bit of SQL to get you started.

SELECT top 1000
	   replace(pe.EmailAddress, '', '') as Ident
      --,isnull(p2.[Title], '') as Title
      ,isnull(p2.[FirstName], '') as FirstName
      ,isnull(p2.[MiddleName], '') as MiddleName
      ,isnull(p2.[LastName], '') as LastName
      --,isnull(p2.[Suffix], '') as Suffix
	  ,replace(pa.AddressLine1, ',', '-') as AddressLine1
	  ,isnull(pa.AddressLine2, '') as AddressLine2
	  --,sp.StateProvinceCode as State
	  --,sp.CountryRegionCode as Country
	  ,replace(pe.EmailAddress, '', '') as EmailAddress
	  ,isnull((select pp.PhoneNumber where pp.PhoneNumberTypeID = 1), '') as CellPhone
	  ,isnull((select pp.PhoneNumber where pp.PhoneNumberTypeID = 2), '') as HomePhone
	  ,isnull((select pp.PhoneNumber where pp.PhoneNumberTypeID = 3), '') as WorkPhone
	  ,Lower(LEFT(p2.FirstName, 1) + p2.LastName) as Username
	  ,'taleo123' as Pswd
  FROM [Person].[Person] p2
  join Person.BusinessEntityAddress ba on (p2.BusinessEntityID = ba.BusinessEntityID)
  join Person.Address pa on (ba.AddressID = pa.AddressID)
  join Person.StateProvince sp on (sp.StateProvinceID = pa.StateProvinceID)
  join Person.EmailAddress pe on (p2.BusinessEntityID = pe.BusinessEntityID)
  join Person.PersonPhone pp on (p2.BusinessEntityID = pp.BusinessEntityID)
  where sp.CountryRegionCode = 'US'
order by LastName, FirstName

TCC – Sub IncludedIn SubQuery

I never thought that this would work but it seems to run just fine, putting it here for future reference. This returns candidates numbers that have an application to a requisition that’s posted, used for a T-XML candidate attachment export.

<quer:filtering xmlns:quer="">
    <quer:field path="Number"/>
    <quer:query projectedClass="Application" alias="sqMotives" preventDuplicates="true" pagingsize="1">
          <quer:field path="Candidate,Number"/>
            <quer:field path="Applications,Requisition,Number"/>
            <quer:query projectedClass="SourcingRequest" alias="sqMotives" preventDuplicates="true" pagingsize="1">
                  <quer:field path="Requisition,Number"/>
                    <quer:field path="SourcingRequestStatus,Number"/>

Linux – Block SSH and FTP Access to Specific IP and Network Range in Linux

I’m not sure why but someone in China must think my Linux server contains massive secrets and sometimes even when using fail2ban it seems to be bogged down by attempts to login as root to my SSH by brute force attack which leaves me scratching my head as to if anyone really allows root access to SSH.

Anyhow, the goal is to just reject these jokers at a transport level on the firewall.

The article on how to do this is here.

The relevant commands are:

firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter INPUT 1 -m tcp --source -p tcp --dport 22 -j REJECT
firewall-cmd --reload

TCC – Upgrade to 17

This post is to consolidate the information about the required update of TCC to version 17.x

TCC: Does TCC Need To Be Upgraded When A Zone Is Upgraded? (Doc ID 2086226.1)
This article addresses the question of whether TCC needs to be upgraded when a zone is upgraded.

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TCC – Languages and Codes

I’ve been driven crazy a few times trying to figure out which code goes to which language so here it is for future reference:
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TCC – Error: ‘Timestamp format must be…’

So I was trying to do a replace null on two date fields and render it toChar yyyy-MM-dd and it kept giving me the lovely ‘SAX parsing error’, looking in the profiler I get this reason:
Timestamp format must be yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.fffffffff]
After rearranging the order of the toChar and replaceNull and still getting the same thing, I finally stumbled on the answer which was to declare the projection as a toChar by adding:
To the projection attributes.
I’m not 100% sure why this has to be done but it fixed the issue so figured I’d post it here.