Author Archives: Aron

Creating symbols using alt codes

I know this is out of no where but every occasionally you want to me able to use various symbols that aren’t readily available on the key board, let’s face it when was the last time you were able to find the ¢ symbol on a keyboard.  Okay I agree I can remember the last time I needed it either but in any case here is a list of some common ones that you can use with most HTML editors that I found here:





File Renamer

So I was working with some pictures and was manually having to rename the files for the event, I decided that was tedious and decided I was going to write a program to do it, but to save myself some work and I came across this program called File Renamer – Basic by Sherrod Computers.  I really handy little app if you need to rename bunches of files.

New project attempt, Taleo TCC resume export

We have an ATS that runs on Oracle and we have a tool to get data out of it but the trick of it is that it’s in base64 compressed string…  Yeah if you missed any of that this post isn’t for you.

So what I get is a string, quite large, that I need to run through a base64 decoder and then (just to add a little challenge) it becomes a zip that you have to extract the original file out of, but not in the pretty Microsoft way, you have to use something like 7zip to get the job done… Not sure if this is a consideration but the 7zip CLI is 7za.exe and it only comes in a 32 bit flavor…

If you’ve gotten this far in the post you’ll know I’m talking about Taleo and using TCC to trigger this process.  This post is a working documentation on getting this done…


So I finally got around to looking at Fedora’s page and realized that once again it’s time for an upgrade.  This time (moving from 17 to 18) there is a new utility called fedup (Fedora Update) that streamlines the transition from one version to another.  The documentation can be found here and so far it’s doing a bang up job.

Default page for GoDaddy hosting

I keep running into this question so here is the list provided by GoDaddy for both Windows and Linux hosting environments.

Raspberry Pi

I was reading about this project and it’s a really small inexpensive computer called Raspberry PI and I thought to myself for $40 buck shipped how bad can it be, just got it today.  I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it but for it looks pretty cool.RaspberryPi

Using Powershell to Keep Directories Clean

As an integration engineer I have log files that provide me an audit trail so I can track things down when they go astray.  Now this is fine and well but what happens when you’ve had an integration in place since 2007 and never needed to look at those files?  Yes you’ve got 5 years worth of files that are taking up space on the drive.  To alleviate the issue you can use Powershell to clear the directories of any files over a certain age.  Here is the code on how to do it:

# Delete all Files in the TCC Archives over 60 days old
$Path = "C:\Taleo\TCC\Prod\Export\AirlandRequisition\Archive"
$Daysback = "-60"
$CurrentDate = Get-Date
$DatetoDelete = $CurrentDate.AddDays($Daysback)
Get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $DatetoDelete } | Remove-Item

clear-variable -name Path
clear-variable -name Daysback
clear-variable -name CurrentDate
clear-variable -name DatetoDelete

$Path = "C:\Taleo\TCC\Prod\Export\AppTrackCSW\Archive"
$Daysback = "-60"
$CurrentDate = Get-Date
$DatetoDelete = $CurrentDate.AddDays($Daysback)
Get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $DatetoDelete } | Remove-Item

clear-variable -name Path
clear-variable -name Daysback
clear-variable -name CurrentDate
clear-variable -name DatetoDelete

Nmap to find MS SQL server

I’ve had to install several instance of SLQ Express recently and for the life of me I’m having a devil of a time getting external access to these instances.  Between the firewalls and SLQ networking protocols it’s hard to know if you did everything right and will be able to connect remotely with these installations.  Nmap can help, here is the syntax to look for them:

nmap -p T:1433 -sV pds-web -oG tcp_scan_results.txt

Google Safe Browsing

I run quite a few web sites and every occasionally I run across an issue where I want to check to see if there is anything that Google has found about possible issues.  You can utilize their safe browsing site to check your sight:

Truncating SQL 2008 Transaction Log

Use the following to truncate a log, the TestDbLog is the logical file name of the log file.

USE TestDb