Author Archives: Aron

Online File Storage and Management

I’ve been looking for some time trying to find a nice and easy file management server I could host that would give me the same abilities as a ‘Drop Box’ or ‘Google Drive’.  Finally stumbled on an open source server that does just that, it’s called Pydio and installs on a standard LAMP server and gives you that capability.  So far I’m really impressed, it has the drag and drop features that you’ve come to expect and does a heck of a job.

Java classes

public void addFriend(Person friend);

Public signifies that the class is going to be public and called.

Void means that it will not return a value but do something.

addFriend is the name.

Person and friend are the items passed when it’s void.

If the class is going to return something declare the variable type it will return:
public String getFriends();

Instance variables:

private [type] [name]


Here is an example of how to do the substring function in TCC:

<quer:projection alias="JobCode">
 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>

TCC – Logical OR filtering

Writing SQL is kind of hard if your filtering is limited to and under the where clause.  Here’s an example of how to filter using OR, in this case we had 14 items:)

 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>
 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>
 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>
 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>
 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>
 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>
 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>
 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>
 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>
 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>
 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>
 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>
 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>
 <quer:field path="JobCode"/>

TCC – DECODE Function

This is one that I’m not 100% familiar with the Oracle counterpart of the Decode function.  In this particular instance it’s used to parse out and assign the gender component of the EEO questions.  This is very hard to extract from the system and is only done so after a hire is made so that the information can be passed to the HRIS for hiring and payroll purposes.

<quer:projection id="idGender" alias="Gender">
 <quer:query projectedClass="Candidate" alias="CandGenderNo">
 <quer:projection alias="EEOGender_AnswerNo">
 <quer:field path="QuestionAnswers,Answer"/>
 <quer:string>Not Specified</quer:string>
 <quer:field path="QuestionAnswers,Question"/>
 <quer:field path="Number"/>
 <quer:field ownerQuery="MainQuery" path="Candidate"/>

TCC – TO_CHAR Function (datetime)

This is an example of how to use the Oracle TO_CHAR function in TCC:

<quer:projection alias="DateOfBirth">
 <quer:customFunction name="TO_CHAR">
 <quer:field path="Candidate,Birthday"/>

TCC – SUBSTR Function

This is an example of how to use the Oracle SUBSTR function in TCC:

<quer:projection alias="work_state">
 <quer:customFunction name="SUBSTR">
 <quer:field path="Requisition,JobInformation,WorkmansCompCode,Code"/>

Expense a steak

I may be a computer geek but I have a sense of humor.  There is a site called that is run by a steak house in NY that helps you sneak a steak dinner onto your expense report by breaking it down into office stuff receipts, hysterical!!!

Shortcut to programs control panel Windows 8

Well we have to hand it to the monkeys in Washington, they stepped in the proverbial open can of paint with Windows 8.  So to help myself and others I’m putting together tidbits to try to ease the pain.

Start Button + r = run screen

appwiz.cpl takes you right to the Programs and Features window

The name game with Excel spreadsheets

Basic take-away is:

=LEFT(A1,FIND(” “,A1,1)-1)

=RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(” “,A1,1)

Here is a really good article on it.