Author Archives: Aron

Max on History Item

Ran across this and it took me a while because of the dot notation that they are using in the path, seems you can just ignore it and use it as part of the path.

<quer:filtering xmlns:quer="">
<quer:field path="Candidate,History,ApplicationTrackingHistoryItem.CreationDate"/>
<quer:query projectedClass="Application" alias="histItemSubQuery">
<quer:field path="Candidate,History,ApplicationTrackingHistoryItem.CreationDate"/>
<quer:field ownerQuery="histItemSubQuery" path="Number"/>
<quer:field ownerQuery="NewHire" path="Number"/>
<quer:field path="Candidate,History,ApplicationTrackingHistoryItem.CreationDate"/>

PC bios from command line

Ran across this on lifehacker and not sure if I’ll ever need it but it could come in handy some day so here it is:

wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion


Start Date in History

I recently came upon a situation where we needed the start date but because the offer module not being used, we needed to get it from the history.

Here is where it lives:

and you have to filter on the event code:


MSSQL charindex

Charindex is a great function for working with emails:


left(Email, charindex(‘@’, email) -1) + ‘’ as email,

TCC – Text in Export Spec

There are times that you want to just return some text in an export column. This comes in handy when let’s say you’re exporting job templates and need to put in a new code. In any case if you need it you can use this snippet to do so:

<quer:projection alias="Test" xmlns:quer="">

TCC – Count Function and Grouping

I got asked today if it was possible to return just those users who had one group and that group was the main group.  I wasn’t able (yet) to use the count function in the filter so what I did was this:

I returned UserNo, keyCount (count of UserAccount,Groups,Name).
I added a filter to equal the string main group.
In the resultant file, the users who had a count of 1 would only be in the main group.

This isn’t ideal but it does give a list of those who are only in the main group with a little massaging.  Attached it the export file for this process.


TCC – Logical Or Filter (redux)

Okay, the last one I published doesn’t have the cut and paste ability for the complex filter, so here it is:

<quer:filtering xmlns:quer="">
 <quer:field path="UserAccount,Groups,Name"/>
 <quer:field path="UserAccount,Groups,Name"/>

Taleo Web Services – Candidate Service

In looking at the services, I selected candidate as the first one to test. I’m using Soap UI for my testing purposes. I’ve created a project utilizing the Think Talent partner zone candidate service by entering the copied URL for the WSDL. Here is what I’m presented with:


Taleo Web Services – List Of Services

To get a list of services you must log onto the zone that you are trying to utilize

You should see something like this:

TCC – A SAX parsing error occurred

One of the most general errors you will encounter in TCC is the dreaded SAX parsing error.  It happens often and gives you no clue as to what went wrong.


The way to get it to give you the details of the error is to go into the post processing tab of the config file and uncheck the ‘Fail on export error’ checkbox.  While this won’t fix the error it will now return the error (more specifically the field that’s causing the error) in the response file.
