Category: Life in General

  • Football is back!!!

    Well preseason anyways. The Cowboys are playing this afternoon and there isn’t much to cheer about. The curse is real and they won’t go anywhere again this year. So that it’s in writing, I believe that because we’re looking at a 17 game season they won’t be 8 and 8! But I believe this doesn’t…

  • Lost another high school classmate

    I don’t think it’s been a year yet since an old high school classmate committed suicide and we’ve lost another member of the class of 90. Mike Wassink passed. I didn’t know him, I knew I went to school with him but that’s about it. Great guy from what I understand, we just never ran…

  • Now it’s summer

    If you live in Texas you’ll know that the summer is hot, you’ll also know this year we’ve dodged a bullet because it was only yesterday we got our first 100 degree day. We’ve been blessed but nothing last forever and we’re sitting at 102 with a ‘feels like’ of 108. I took about 10…

  • Bad at blogging

    So since the last time I posted, I’ve been to Arkansas and Missouri camping, finished a class, and have made great strides on the organizational changes at the house and am weathering a concerning work environment that we’re watching closely. And I guess I didn’t have anything to say about it. Ugh, I’m such a…

  • Taxes

    So federal taxes are due tomorrow, well for the rest of the US anyways. Here in Texas we have an extra month so when H&R Block asked me for a code sent to my cell phone, I just closed the browser. Jackasses expect me to get up and walk to my cell phone? I could…

  • Furry people birthdays

    Rocky and Sammy turn 3 today!!! I sang them happy birthday and enjoyed their confused looks, they didn’t seem to grasp the significance. We celebrated by not opening the curtains in the bedroom and sleeping all day, I know, a bit of a wasted day but it’s what they wanted. In any case a shout…

  • Rainy Monday

    The weather was cold and rainy today, which is honestly perfect for a Monday. So I got some work done and actually went for two walks today and made my steps. 8 days without a cigarette and I’m feeling pretty good about everything. The only hard times are first thing in the morning and after…

  • Ode to the furry ones:)

    I was worried about taking on the responsibility of cats back in 2018, and they are a bit of work but I wouldn’t change it for the world, this must be what it’s like to have kids:)

  • May the 4th be with you!!!

    I know it’s cheesy but it’s May the 4th. So Sandy gets back into town today and I head to the airport to pick her up with an 8th of a tank of gas and as soon as I get to the airport the damn gas light comes on. UGH, that’s the second time I’ve…

  • Monitor Acquisition Solved

    So Sandy and I share prime but my sister has her own, got her to order a couple more monitors for me so I got my 4 $180 monitors for $119, I’m happy. I’ve finished up the documentation on a project that has been in overtime for about 2 quarters now, I feel like a…