Well I started a new gig today, it seems kind of cool but its got some issues too. I can honestly say I’ve never had to do any development with notepad, and it’s one of the more horrible things I’ve ever had to do. The integration server has 4GB of RAM, I think my phone has 16GB. They’re trying to get me Ultra Edit but that would only be for the desktop, not the server…
Now, I’ve been in the computer business for 30 years, there are ways around the issues I’m having BUT in this situation I’ve been informed that’s a no no and no go or you get gone. So development is going to take ridiculously longer but it can still get done. I’ll holler more if I need to do anything in XSL which I think we’re going to do.
But I’m happy, I should be able to help get these guys where they need to be and maybe even pick up a few new skills.