Where’s My Friggin License

So I was at Post Net to get my fingerprints taken (again), what was interesting, the nice lady taking them helped me get it done right. I needed two forms of IDs and of course my passport and tried to pull out my drivers license and low and behold it’s not there. Fortunately they took my concealed carry permit. But that still leads to the question, where the hell is my drivers license. I needed it to buy NO2 for the whipped cream maker and needed to take a picture of it for the purchase. But I also needed my credit card and that found its way back to my wallet. I cleaned on Saturday and I’m scared I may have tossed it out with the junk on the coffee table. I need to do laundry to see if it got pocketed, we’ll see how that goes.

I just find it amazing my drivers license has remained in my wallet for literally years without being taken out and over the last months it’s been every week. Oh well such is life.

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