It’s 20 degrees and the Hockey Game’s on
Well not tonight but tomorrow it will be the case. Sad that Jimmy past, but he had a good life. We drove by a post office that I remember being out when Brandi called, she’s past too. I’ve been thinking more about ‘passing’ then usual. Probably just the weather and the winter. I need to…
New Retirement Plan
So all this investment in 401k’s and other investments is just silly. With all the gambling apps out there, I’ve got a fail proof plan to make millions. I simply need to bet against any football team I want to win. It’s so simple I can’t believe it’s been staring me right in the face…
Found It!!!
Found my drivers license! It was on the scanner which I should have thought about but didn’t. I’m happy, I don’t have to figure out how to replace that. Also it was a nice day to go out with mom and sis and Ron and Sandy to Saltgrass Steakhouse for a late lunch. It was…
Seriously TGIF
What a week, I’m super happy that it’s come to an end. I have kept myself busy at work but I’m not sure if what I’m doing is what they want. It’s what’s needed but I’m not sure it’s what’s wanted. And I do not have the tools to do the second part of the…
Adobe Idiots
Usually I blog at the end of the day after all the events are complete. It gives me time to reflect on what happened and try to highlight what went on in my world that day. Today, I found out that the assassin and horrible layout in Acrobat reader is a feature introduced by an…
Happy Birthday Dad
Today dad would have been 84 years old. I feel bad that he passed before I really figured out how to be an adult and he went to his grave thinking I’d never get it right. I’m sure he knows.
Where’s My Friggin License
So I was at Post Net to get my fingerprints taken (again), what was interesting, the nice lady taking them helped me get it done right. I needed two forms of IDs and of course my passport and tried to pull out my drivers license and low and behold it’s not there. Fortunately they took…
New Gig Kickoff
Well I started a new gig today, it seems kind of cool but its got some issues too. I can honestly say I’ve never had to do any development with notepad, and it’s one of the more horrible things I’ve ever had to do. The integration server has 4GB of RAM, I think my phone…
It’s A Get Nothing Done Day
I had grand illusions of getting a ton of stuff done today. It didn’t happen. I’m okay with it, it was a good day for that to happen. I start the new gig tomorrow and it’s playing on my mind. Not sure why. This is what I’ve been doing for the last 10 years, well…
The Thaw Begins
Snow doesn’t last very long around here and we’re glad to see it go. I did take a few snaps to prove it happened. We got cleaning done today. It looks good but I still have to do the office. It was nice to just hang around the house for the day and it’s always…