Maybe the stress of the holidays catch up to people in the new year. My niece by marriage is having a rough go of it. She has a 13 month old and is hitting a wall of her own making. She’s had a method of dealing with stress but that method actually incurs more stress and it finally caught up with her. I’ve had some rough spots of my own making and it’s hard to watch someone else do it because it’s so clear to those outside of the situation what the issue is. But in the middle of the cyclone she’s in she can’t see what’s what.
General is having the same issue, must just be something about this time of the year. I talked with General for about an hour today. I can vouch for our sanity. It’s Friday and the slush is melting but the sky’s cleared and it’s dropping to 21 tonight for a low. Then it’ll be gone over the weekend. The winter storm has run it’s course. With any luck there’s nothing more to come.