More Progress

So I got up and got to it, needed to run the last of the front wires. Took a bit of time to get the wire ready to pull but I did it. But I got into the attic and over the HVAC unit and felt the panic start to set in, I had to pull off the mask and try to get it under control, got the new wire, and grabbed it but I had ties of the south east cable to the existing and as I pulled it, it broke, ugh. so I managed to make it to the blue wire and pulled it finally came free and I managed to get both to the destination. Got out of there and there are 7 of 12 finished, two more runs that are on the backside, and the garage. I’m dreading the backside ones, just miserable getting back there.

I got the southeast corner camera mounted and the DVR up and where it needs to be, the picture is pretty good. Put camera three in and nothing. It’s painful to terminate the ends and it’s been so long since I’ve done it I think I’m not doing them well. I’ll deal with it tomorrow, no need to kill myself with it.

Sandy and I went to the grocery store today, she’s hard to shop with because it’s a lot of walking around and looking, not just getting and going. I felt like I’m in a race and she’s just lollygagging. Something seems off with her but I’m not sure what. She took a bath and was in bed at 7:40 pm, I note that because that’s a new record and early even by my standards.