Beautiful Day

Slept in today, well I guess no more than usual. But I got up and made it to Harbor Freight and got a new cable puller, I need two for the camera project. Got another two runs finished. I wasn’t aware how much stuff we have above the garage in the attic, I had to dig a hole to get to the back to pull the cable. I’m down to 3 2 wire runs but they’re in the east of the house so a bitch to get to. Slowly but surely I’ll get it done.

Made some biscuits and turned in a paper, also got the mason jars and the food saver attachment to vacuum seal the jars. It works great and I’m actively trying to figure out what else we can vacuum seal in the jars. Went for a walk to the gas station to get a red bull and completed my steps. All days except my birthday I’ve made my steps. I rock!