So federal taxes are due tomorrow, well for the rest of the US anyways. Here in Texas we have an extra month so when H&R Block asked me for a code sent to my cell phone, I just closed the browser. Jackasses expect me to get up and walk to my cell phone? I could have got it from my watch but didn’t think about that.
It did get me thinking though. Why is it that I have to file taxes? I’m not talking about paying taxes, you’ll never get out of that but why do I (every year) need to figure out which of the myriad of software packages to use, round up my and my spouses W4’s and band statements on interest… Doesn’t the IRS already have this?
Evidently I’m not the only one thinking about this, here’s a group that’s thinking about the same thing. But nothing is going to change as long as the tax preparation software companies are lining the pockets of elected officials.