Finally Friday

While it was a bit chilly today, I got a bunch done. I had a meeting at work and they said to go ahead and build what we’ll call a ‘note extract’. So this doesn’t just mean standard stuff, this is development. So I needed to do something about working on the laptop they sent which seems to be sized for a kindergartner. Headed to Walmart for a couple of Digital Port cables to fit into the port replicator they sent. I can now hook up my lower 2 HP monitors to the laptop and move the blue tooth adapter. So now I just plug in the work laptop and switch the monitor inputs and use my keyboard and mouse and three monitors (including the laptop screen). While it’s not the best it’s a couple 100% better than it was so I can actually develop. Still need to find out where to put the other work laptop but we’ll figure that out sooner or later. I also have to pull the old server and home the new server into the UPS and all that.

Tomorrow is busy. I can go to men’s breakfast at church, then we have to go to Claudia’s memorial, and after that I should go pay my respect to Toes as he celebrates his 80th birthday. And it’s supposed to be raining and cold all day. That’s good for a funeral. I also have to finish putting the back room together, I want to get that done this weekend so we can start demo on the master bath.