My day started at 0800 in the dentist office with my dentist sticking needles into my gums. After starting your day like that there really isn’t anywhere to go but up. From there it was meeting, meeting, meeting, gym, development. So it was a busy day and it will be a nice lead in to a Friday that doesn’t involve any meetings.
The new server is coming along, the cloud is giving me grief that I think is related to missing required PHP modules. I’ve been busy installing them but that has me questioning if I should be doing that as it’s maybe better run as a Docker container??? No, I still maintain that file sharing is a core service based on the OS, like your blogs and photos. I mean what’s the point of a server if you don’t have a DB and web server. Everything beyond that can be containerized. I mean I guess even the core can too but I’m not there yet. I did use Podman to spin up a container of Kitchen Owl but have yet to connect to it although I think it’s running properly. I have other domains I can host with Docker. I wonder how SSL certs work with that… More to learn!
I think that I’m getting a spark back! I’ve been excited about moving to the new server and I’m pretty shocked that I’m as good as I am with it, I’m beginning to feel it, the proverbial zone. I like that now I just need to hone it a bit and find someone who will appreciate it. Still thinking Azure is a good idea.