Floor Finished and Visitors

I finished pinning the molding down today so it’s complete. I have to caulk and do some clean up but for all intents and purposes it’s complete. There are a couple of spots I’m not very happy with. I mean I’d be pissed if a contractor left it that way but I’m not a contractor and this is the first one that I’ve done so I’ll give myself a little leeway but I’m going to have to go back and fix it. It’ll be nice just to get the stuff put back in there. It was a storage room.

Johnny and Katie came over today and brought the InstaPot that Keli & David set aside for us from Claudia’s things. It’s newer than the one that we’ve got so it may be a replacement or good for the RV.

We also made a trip to the mall today, it was packed. I was actually surprised how packed it was. Of course I can’t remember the last time I was there on the weekend as I’m usually there during the day during the middle of the week. We had lunch at the food court and then headed back to the house. All told I was up around 9k steps and that’s what I’m looking to get back to.