Old House Going

I’m selling 1012, I’m not sure if I posted about this before but I’m finally parting ways with that property. The proceeds will pay off 712 and when I turn 50, I’ll owe nothing. The house, paid for. The Xterra, paid for. The RV, paid for. The truck, paid for…

I’m sad to see the place go but what used to be a nice little place in the suburbs is going through pre-gentrification. That’s where all the old people that used to care about their places died and the block goes to hell. At least it’s going to a family instead of becoming a rental, I went through pains for that and I hope it’s helped someone start building a life.

What’s really sad to see is how hard it’s become for the younger folks to buy a house, close to impossible around here. This is going to have long term ramifications because buying a house allows you to build passive wealth. Had I not bought 1012 15 years ago there’s no possible way I could be thinking about retirement.