Sandy’s Birthday, day 2 as an ex-smoker

Sandy turns 49 today, she’s in Mexico so I guess I’m not celebrating it with her.

I’m now 27 hours tobacco free!!! And I’ve actually figured out how to use the vaporizer I bought 2 years ago with Austin at the CBD store in CO. I’ve still got the blueberry ‘juice’ from two years ago too, which really has me wondering if CBD oil has an expiration date… Oh well, it’s helping with the need to inhale something and it contains no nicotine with the added benefit that it doesn’t stink the place up so I can do it inside. Although that kind of defeats the purpose of that mental ‘break’ that smoking seemed to fill. In any case I’m still thrilled at the prospect of being an ex-smoker and am keeping that positive attitude going, once again not doing something could be the best thing I’ve done in awhile.