Category: Health

  • Blown Out Knee:/

    So my training has hit a bit of a snag in that my left knee is broke…I don’t mean that literally as there isn’t a real break but mofo it hurts. Over a week ago I may have pushed it a little hard at the track but it didn’t impact the hiking last weekend at…

  • Running Shoes

    So for whatever reason, I’ve taken up running. Well, it’s kind of a run/walk kind of thing. At the rec center, the track is about 1/12th of a mile which makes a nice walk-one-lap, run-one-lap kind of thing. But my old shoes were getting to be worn out so wanting to get a nice pair…

  • Working Out

    So one of the things that I’ve been doing to keep stress at a manageable level is to exercise. It started with just walking and then got to lifting weights and lastly, and most recently, situps. Situps are the bane of my existence, I actually bought an inverted bench to help with them.

  • 2nd 5k of the Year

    Well it was just at the rec center but it was 5k and completed in 54:39. Total transparency, I did have to take a nap in the afternoon because of this.

  • First 5k in years!

    Ok, well, not really. I’m sure Sandy and I have hiked way over 3.1 miles at once in our adventures. But this was the first time in well over 3 decades that I actually set out with the goal to walk a 5k. I went to the rec center and walked 39 laps on the…

  • More Excercise

    As we celebrate another week in the books, I’m excited to say we’ve been doing a great job of moving for at least 30 minutes a day. Today we walked outside but even in the morning, it’s starting to get hot. One of the really nice things about the rec center is that the walking…

  • We got our rec center passes!

    After not having it for several years, Sandy and I went and got our rec center passes today. For $100 for both of us, we have access to all the equipment and walking track in the AC. We walked for 30 minutes and picked up our passes on the way out (they had used our…

  • Eye Appoinment Aquired

    I made an appointment to get my eyes checked, my eyes are actually getting better but the problem with that is my prescription is changing and it’s hard to keep up with. So now I’m wearing my contacts but I can see the monitor screens without having reading glasses on which makes it impossible to…

  • Dental adventures

    So I’m not sure how long it’s been but it’s been a long minute. I really believe that you have to pay the dental pain no matter what. I mean if you go like you’re supposed to, no big deal, cleanings are standard and not ‘deep’ and it’s relatively painless. You don’t go for years,…

  • Thoughts on Chantix

    So Chantix has a list of side effects a mile long and comes with some serious warnings, and for good reason. I found myself obsessing about things that bothered me to the point where I would wake up and couldn’t get back to sleep because of mean thoughts running through my head. Not disturbing or…