Did not get a bunch of sleep last night. I turned on the AC and the house wouldn’t cool down and when I got up around 12:30am I started investigating and it turns out that (I’m almost sure) we don’t have power to the HVAC compressor. I texted Brandon and asked him to touch base with me on Monday. Fortunately there’s not AC weather until then. With any luck that’s the only thing that was missed and it’ll be fixed in short order.
Made it out to the dump today. Got things off loaded in fairly short order. The truck is all kinds of muddy so I haven’t put it away. I’ll wash it tomorrow if the weather is as good as it’s supposed to be.
Made it to the gym for the first time in a while. I usually get my steps but don’t usually go to the gym. It was business as usual there. I plugged in to Nevermind by Nirvana and around the track I went. Did some jogging and running. The running seems to hurt a little more than I remember and hitting the high BPM’s is rougher too. But it’s good to push.
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