I spent the day trying to figure out how to tell work that I’ve got done what they needed me to do but I kept changing things to make them better, or at least make a better impression. It’ll be something I can send out bright and early in the morning and we’re still on track to get it into place from my understanding.
The weekend is almost upon us. I’m trying to figure out what I’d like to do. We’re in the doldrums of work as the next day off is Memorial day and that’s 3 months away. We do have a wedding to attend before that. Grace is getting married in May in Virginia. That’s actually on Memorial day weekend.
I sort of started the class today, it was a bit of a rough start because it is going over how to ‘distance’ learn. I guess they don’t know I got my bachelor degree from them. A mandatory meeting with the course advisor, yada yada. I’ll get to it. I really need the information in the course so the sooner the better. I’m trying to get rid of the last project so I have more desk space. That’s a real thing…
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