I was actually excited to get in and started today, I had the weekend to noodle on the development issue of notes. So I got it started and it works, to an extent Unfortunately there seems to be an issue that LISTAGG can only return a string character of 4000 characters or it bombs with an Oracle error. I don’t think that’s going to work and the only other option that I can see is pulling it out as XML and use XSL to transform it into a CSV. The only problem is we’d have to dig down into a node that’s on the same level but named differently, I wonder if I can refer to node by level number.
I also got a call about another contract that I’m perfectly suited for. It’s a 9 month gig normal hours for eastern time zone, so 7am to 4pm my time. I could be a super asset on that but we’ll see how it shakes out. I feel like I’m letting this contract business get in the way of my education but I do really enjoy things I know like the back of my hand.
The back room is getting closer to complete, it’s doable this week if the spirit is willing.