Plumbing on the Horizon

The household maintenance task that I abhor the most is plumbing. There’s just nothing easy when it comes to plumbing. Case in point: Today, I set out to fix the leaky faucet in the main bathroom. First thing to do is take off the faucet knobs, well the one that needed to come off would not come off. To the point I went out and got a puller from Harbor Freight and the brass broke off in the knob. Then we got the 3 handle new faucet only to find out they are out of code. Don’t want people scalding themselves when the toilet is flushed. So we’ve got one of those ready for pickup and will return the other. There’s a plate that covers the other holes and we’re up to code if we need to make it a rental.

The issue with the racoon is ongoing. I resolved yesterday to trap him and pulled out some beef stew as bait and sure enough he got trapped. But his huge ass just basically walked right out of it. We’ve got it on video. Going to need a bigger trap for that one.

Got the tires on the truck rotated today. I don’t think that I’ve ever done that on a regular basis but we hit 7k or so miles since we put on the new shoes so it was time.