Exercise Class and Arborvitae Installation & Maintenance

So Sandy is more comfortable getting physically fit when she’s in a class setting or working with a trainer. Which is quite the opposite to what I do which is exercise on my schedule. To that end we started the ‘Energize’ class this morning. We’re the youngest and I’m the only guy. My only iffy moment was when someone said they’ll let us know how to vote, LOL lord help me keep my mouth shut. It’s all good but given that I have some serious yard work that needs to be done, I wasn’t sure about starting my day exercising. I was right as Sandy is so exhausted she went to bed at 7:30pm.

We got some more cleanup done and then measured, flagged and planted all the plants. According to the documentation on the site, it said to plant every 4 feet for a wall and 6 for side by side trees. We did 4 foot on the back (north) fence line and 6 on the east fence line. That house is a rental so who knows who will be there next time.

Toby Kieth died yesterday and news broke of his passing today. I forgot that his music was around since the 90s and were around for a lot of good times. Stomach cancer was the cause. Sad.

Here on some pictures from the day, oh yeah, it was taco Tuesday too:)