Mass Shooting – Uvalde, TX

So as I was going through my day the news started to filter through. School shooting, lockdown, 2 dead, gunman arrested. It barely registered because there were only two after all, tragic as a school shooting is it’s hardly news anymore.

The next I hear there are multiple fatalities and the gunman isn’t in custody… Uh oh, if they’re having trouble nailing down the number dead and where the gunman is, it ain’t over. Sadly that would be correct and after it was all said and done, 19 innocent children and two teachers were gunned down with an AR rifle. I can’t even begin to imagine.

We have to act, something has to happen. We can’t let this continue. As a gun owner let’s start the concessions. You have to have a license to own a gun. Absolutely god damn right. You have a license to drive a car, you have to show that you know the rules of using that car and you have to prove you’re physically and mentally able to drive. Same with a gun, prove you know how to use it and are of a sane mind and physically able to have it. No gun ownership until 25. Exceptions are made for our military who are trained and cleared for ownership.

This is not the state or country that I care to be associated with. We’re forcing women to have kids who are fodder for the nut cases that can buy a gun because that’s our right as Americans. Disgraceful and we must do better.